मंगळवार, ३० डिसेंबर, २००८

About me

My introspection says that, I am an adjusting and a goal-oriented woman. In my 21 years of life, not only have I acquired some amount of knowledge but also discovered that when it comes to learning, “The sky is the limit”. I am a person who is always interested in widening the scope of my knowledge. Being an analytical thinker by nature, I first analyze the situation, try to find out the possible solutions and then move further. This attribute has helped me a lot throughout my life and helped me to become a very balanced person both intellectually as well as emotionally.

My profession is “Instructional Designing” - the part of educational technology, where I find that ‘education’ - the field I am most interested in and ‘technology’ - the new emerging field are beautifully blended. I firmly believe that a deep interest in one’s chosen field is the only key to work-satisfaction. Being an extrovert, I have always preferred to work in teams. According to me, group-work helps a lot especially in learning new and difficult tasks. Sharing my views, good listening abilities, punctuality and the skills of planning a task effectively come naturally to me. The other considerable aspects of my life are imagination and creativity. Even though acquiring knowledge is an unending process and imagination embraces the entire world, creativity is the product of acquired knowledge, inbuilt interest and imagination. I have selected ID as my career so that I get to explore and apply my knowledge and creative skills to contribute in the best possible manner in this field.

Painting, cooking, photography and making rangoli are my favorite hobbies. I have always been an active participant in the various co-curricular activities, because I feel participating removes the fear of failure and enhances confidence. I also write poems most of which are in Marathi.

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